Great Tips On Lower Cholesterol Foods

Submitted by: Richie Brown

One of the key factors to lowering your cholesterol is to make some changes to your diet, and to eat lower cholesterol foods. But for some people this can be rather difficult. Having to change your whole life style can be daunting, and trying to do it all in one fell swoop probably won t end in success.

The best approach would be to start your changes slowly, in a step by step manner. Changing your eating habits over time by incorporating foods that are going to help lower your cholesterol will start to have a significant impact on lowering your cholesterol levels.

For those whose eating habits involve mostly snacking on foods, then the transition to sticking to a healthy diet plan is going to be a bit more difficult. Unfortunately, if eating fries or chips is part of your daily eating habits, then this is one of the first things you re going to have to put a stop to. Also it s going to be a good idea to steer clear of most fried foods, cakes and store bought cookies. The less foods you eat with Tans-fats (partially hydrogenated oil) the better.


It s not all doom and gloom though, there are certain snack foods out there that are good for cholesterol. One good substitute for fatty foods is a fruit bar. There are lots of different types on the market that contain no fat or sugar. Another good snack is fruit.

Besides fruit, there are lots of other foods that are good for lowering LDL cholesterol. Though these lower cholesterol foods may not be a complete cure to the problem, they can make a significant impact on your cholesterol levels without having to resort to prescribed medication.

One of the most famous foods for lowering cholesterol is garlic. This little gem is world renowned for its power to lower LDL cholesterol. It s that potent that in Germany it is actually considered a drug. But always consult a doctor when using any kind of drug. Using garlic could react with some cholesterol lower medications.

Another great source of food that is full of cholesterol goodness are nuts. Walnuts in particular are good for high cholesterol. The only drawback with nuts is that they are very high in calories, so eat them in moderation. Although the fat that is in them is a “good fat” it s still fat and can still release fatty deposits in the arteries.

One more food that deserves a mention is apples. Apples are well known for their health benefits, and also the benefits they can contribute to having good cholesterol. Try if you can to add a couple of apples each day into your diet.. As the saying goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away .

One last thought before I finish. And that is that if you are under any prescribed medication from your doctor, for high cholesterol levels, then make sure that if you are going to use a garlic supplements that you inform your doctor, as it may react with some medicines.

About the Author: Richie Brown is a nutrition expert. For great information on lowering your cholesterol, please visit


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